Celebrate 529 Day with a $5,290 College Savings Grant!
May 29, 2017
Many states are celebrating May 29 with special programs and incentives. South Carolina’s Future Scholar 529 College Savings Plan is no different.
The State Treasurer’s Office is sponsoring its PalmettoBaby program – which offers grants to babies born on May 29 – and this year’s program is even bigger and better.
“We’ve expanded our program to three days. So all babies born in South Carolina on May 29, 30 or 31 will be eligible for a $5,290 grant toward a Future Scholar College Savings Plan,” said State Treasurer Curtis Loftis.
Below is a simple step-by-step idea of how to get the ball rolling (the actual process for enrollment is on our website). But before you begin, we suggest you gather a few things such as the name, address, social security number, and date of birth for the parent or person who will serve as the account owner. You will also need the same information for the child or beneficiary of the money saved.
So let’s get started!
Step 1: Choose Your Investments
Whether you decide to go the age-based route or want to customize your portfolio, you decide the investment choice that is right for you. And the best part is, there’s no minimum investment required and you maintain control over the account.
Step 2: Select Your Enrollment Method
Whether you prefer to enroll online or would rather mail in your application, we have an enrollment method that fits your needs. You can even view and print a complete enrollment kit that contains more detailed information straight from our website.
For more information on the PalmettoBaby program or to start the enrollment process described here, visit https://www.FutureScholar.com/Enroll.
“And remember,” Loftis added. “The earlier you can start saving today, the brighter your child’s future will be tomorrow.”
To learn more about Future Scholar, its investment objectives, risks and costs, read the official statement available at www.FutureScholar.com before investing. Check with your or the beneficiary's home state to learn if it offers tax or other benefits for investing in its own 529.
Not paid for with state funds.