Give a gift that lasts a lifetime
December 23, 2014
This holiday season, I hope South Carolina families will choose to give children in their lives a gift they won’t outgrow: an investment in their college education through a Future Scholar 529 College Savings Plan. 529 plans are investment accounts that help families save for college. 529 plans also provide tax advantages when used for qualified college expenses.
The Office of the State Treasurer administers South Carolina’s Future Scholar 529 Plan. One of the nation’s best 529 plans, Future Scholar has more than 112,000 accounts and total assets of $2.2 billion.
Money Magazine called Future Scholar a leader in low investment fees, and The Wall Street Journal recognized Future Scholar as having the highest state tax deduction in the country. In fact, South Carolina residents’ contributions are deductible on state income taxes, and Future Scholar offers gift and estate benefits on both state and federal taxes. Anyone can contribute to an existing account. There is no minimum dollar amount to open or keep an account, and there is no required monthly contribution.
I hope families and friends will help an important child move closer to the goal of a college education. You won’t have to fight the holiday crowds or find you’ve purchased a present a child will soon become tired of. Future Scholar is the gift a child will never outgrow.
Enroll by visiting, or call 888.244.5674 for more information.
Wishing you and yours the very best,
Curtis M. Loftis Jr.
South Carolina State Treasurer