North Dakota Treasurer Kelly Schmidt Defends the Office of State Treasurer and the Continued Push for Transparency
May 9, 2016
North Dakota State Treasurer Kelly Schmidt sits down with Heritage Foundation Daily Signal‘s Genevieve Wood (see video here: to defend the office of the treasurer and the push for more state government transparency. Treasurer Schmidt has been a gracious leader as chair of the State Financial Officers Foundation and will continue to serve boldly until her term ends this fall.
In this interview she mentions the fantastic work done by Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel promoting his office's new Many other Treasurers are fighting hard to bring more transparency to their state finances.
Treasurer Ron Estes has become known by Kansans as their “fiscal hawk” as he has worked tirelessly to insure that the state pension system was funded and pushes for reforms that would make the system funded for years to come without breaking the state’s budget.
Mississippi Treasurer Lynn Fitch just called her legislature out for issuing bonds for state legislative projects that she and many would consider similar pet projects or earmarks that many criticize members of congress for doing.
South Carolina Treasurer Curtis Loftis Jr. has been laser focused on bringing light to the corruption and cronyism of the S.C. Retirement System Investment Commission. And our newest Treasurer Allison Ball ran on a platform of making state government more transparent in the Commonwealth of Kentucky where she is the first conservative to be elected there in several decades.
Free market, fiscally conservative state treasurers, state CFO’s, comptrollers, and auditors continue to play a huge role in keeping lawmakers honest about how state monies are allocated.