State Treasurer Loftis visits with Lake Marion students

Students from Lake Marion High School visited with State Treasurer Curtis Loftis in his office Feb. 26, on their trip to the South Carolina State Capitol Building. Loftis gave students a tour of his office and then engaged in a conversation about the duties of the state treasurer. The treasurer took questions from the students on education funding equality, his business background and ways to improve their community. Treasurer Loftis was extremely impressed with the behavior and intellectual curiosity of the students.

“The students from Lake Marion High School made me enthusiastic about the future of our state,” said Loftis. “They asked tough questions and were able to engage in a dialogue about the issues they feel are important. Their families and teachers deserve a great deal of credit for producing such smart and mature young people.”

The South Carolina Office of State Treasurer oversees banking, investment and financial management services for the State of South Carolina. Curtis M. Loftis Jr. has served as the state treasurer of South Carolina since 2010. Prior to his election, Loftis had a successful career in business. He also is the founder and benefactor of the Saluda Charitable Foundation, a charity that does mission work around the world. For more information on the State Treasurer’s Office please visit

Loftis With Lake Marion Students