Treasurer Curtis Loftis Talks Pension Problems to Columbia Economics Club

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Columbia, SC - State Treasurer Curtis Loftis spoke to the Columbia Economics Club Wednesday afternoon.

The Treasurer spoke about the responsibilities of the South Carolina Treasurer's Office and his job as the State Treasurer. He also talked about the problems facing the South Carolina pension. He presented to a room full of financial professionals. 

"The state pension is the pothole South Carolinians can't see," said Treasurer Loftis. "Driving around the state, people can see and feel the poor road conditions, and know that those conditions need to be fixed. But, they can't see the huge problems with the pension. The pension is a huge pothole when it comes to the taxpayer's money, but most taxpayers are not even aware that it needs their attention."

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The Treasurer's presentation was followed by a Q&A session from the members of the club.

"I loved having a conversation about this tough topic," said Treasurer Loftis. "It's good to see people take an interest in such an important topic to our state. Thank you to the Columbia Economics Club for having me."

You can find more information about the club on their website.






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State Treasurer Curtis Loftis pictured with Executive Director Kara Elizabeth Rose, Treasurer Matthew T.S. McFadden, and President Ben A. Rast