State Treasurer Curtis Loftis Recognizes Megan Hanna of Heath Springs Elementary School as Educator of the Month
September 24, 2021

Ms. Megan Hanna of Heath Springs Elementary School, September Educator of the Month
South Carolina Treasurer Curtis Loftis has recognized Heath Spring Elementary School’s Megan Hanna as the South Carolina Financial Literacy Master Teacher Program’s Educator of the Month for September.
“Ms. Hanna is a perfect example of what homegrown talent looks like in South Carolina. I commend her for her commitment to making an impactful difference at the same elementary school she attended in her youth,” said Treasurer Loftis. “She is a passionate proponent of the Financial Literacy Master Teacher Program, and we are grateful for her expertise in bringing financial literacy education to elementary classrooms.”
Ms. Hanna currently serves as the instructional technology coach at Heath Springs Elementary and teaches both math and technology to students at all grade levels. She holds a Master of Educational Technology degree from Lesley University as well as both a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education from USC Upstate and an Associate in Arts from USC Lancaster. Ms. Hanna has also earned a number of classroom teaching certification endorsements that reflect completion of specialized training including Gifted and Talented, Project-based Learning and Online Teaching.
“When I learned about the Financial Literacy Master Teacher Program, I jumped at the opportunity. It’s been one of my best experiences as an educator,” Hanna said. “Students need access to this information long before they hit high school, so I’m thankful to be equipped with the tools and resources I need to promote the importance of personal finance education to students and teachers alike.”
The South Carolina Financial Literacy Master Teacher Program provides incentives to K-12 teachers who are experts in the area of financial literacy and have a desire to teach professional development workshops to other educators in their schools and districts. Through the program, participating teachers will have access to specialized training and financial literacy curriculum resources that will better enable them to promote financial literacy education in K-12 schools.
Sponsored by Future Scholar, South Carolina’s 529 College Savings Plan, and in partnership with SC Economics, this statewide financial literacy initiative aims to increase teacher support and involvement in incorporating personal finance education into the curriculum.
About Future Scholar
Future Scholar, South Carolina’s 529 College Savings Plan, is administered through the State Treasurer’s Office. For more information, visit or follow @SCStateTreasurer on Facebook. No state funds are used to market Future Scholar or the SC Financial Literacy Master Teacher Program.