Unclaimed Property Program Helping You Find Your Money on WSPA
September 15, 2016
Spartanburg, SC -- Treasurer Curtis Loftis and the Unclaimed Property Program will be heading to Spartanburg today for a phone bank at WSPA 7 News.
WSPA is hosting the "Unclaimed Money Hotline" which is scheduled to be in the 5, 6, and 7 o'clock newscasts. During the newscasts, the Treasurer will explain where unclaimed property comes from and how his office works to return the money to its rightful owners. Staff from the Treasurer’s Office will be on hand to help callers search for unclaimed property that may be waiting for them.
The State Treasurer’s office has more than $500 million in unclaimed property.
You can also check if you have unclaimed property here.
See more coverage about the Unclaimed Money Hotline from WSPA.