
It takes several agencies of state government, not just the Treasurer’s Office, to ensure that the state’s finances are in order. Our staff works closely with the Governor and General Assembly, the Comptroller General, the State Auditor, as well as with all state agencies, public colleges and universities, local governments and other political subdivisions to manage the cash flow, investments and debt management for our state.

Photo of transparency chart of Comptroller General,  State Auditor, and Treasurer.

The State Treasurer’s Office does not manage property tax bills, County Treasurers do. State income tax refunds are processed by the SC Department of Revenue (DOR). The State Treasurer’s Office sends the refund payment either by check or electronically when directed by DOR.

Below are some links that may be helpful in better understanding the roles of these various agencies and organizations as it relates to the State’s finances.

Earmark Transparency

Governor of South Carolina

South Carolina Legislature

Comptroller General

State Auditor

SC Association of Auditors, Treasurers & Tax Collectors

SC Department of Revenue

SC Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office